Welcome to
I'm Stephanie,the site owner of this website.
What is this site all about?Well at we have links to other kid friendly websites and great blog stories for you to read each day!Soon we will have a chat chamber,commons area(where you can find out whats new @ IcesickleDreams,and a game room.
I was fumbling through some old stuff in attic Wensday afternoon(i'll never go up there when it gets dark) when I found an old photo album hidden behind dad's cheerleading outfit(don't ask).It was covered in dust and cob webs that seemed to have been made hundreds of years ago.I dusted it off and quickly discovered an old photo of the family back in 97.It was fun searching through the album for the pictures of grandma and grandpa,cousins,uncles and aunts.If you have a photo album sitting in cobwebs you should look through is really fun for me.Or if you don't you should create one with old pictures of the family.If you happen not to have any take new ones for the year of 2007.It could be really fun.
Pizza Hut Bluesss
Well to-days been a drag.Mother practically pulled my out of bed by the hair while my 10 year old brother continued to bang his drum sticks on the drum.Were about to order Pizza Hut.Not my favorite place to order from...but I suppose it could be worse.I live in Georgia and did you know that people from the UK think were really lucky we have all the activities like a swimming pool,tennis court,ect when you live in an apartment.Well people in other places across the world would think that we were filthy rich compared to them.Which brings me onto my next point.Georgia is having a serious water mother complains whenever I use to much water.She does allot to Go-Green.Hmmm the pizzas here so I'll post more later...
Top News Summers Here! Are you ready to get summer started...sure summer may be here weather wise...but you have to get summer started for you!Go swimming,buy some new flipflops or a bikini.Bake cookies(Recipes soon) and serve lemonade to friends and family at BBQs.Make plans for school next year by using some of the organization tips will be posting in a few days.Or maybe,since you and your friends have so much free time,whynot tell some ghost stories or paint each others nails in cool summer colours and images(Ghost Stories and details for nails to the site soon).Anyway you celebrate summer *We hope it's a BLAST*
Top ten healthiest foods
Researchers at the University of Oslo wanted to know which foods have the highest concentrationsof antioxidants,the natural chemicals in food that make it healthy and prevent disease,so they tested 1,113 common foods and drinks,from apples to waffles.
The findings :Ounce for ounce,spices,herbs,nuts and seeds pack the most nutrients. But if were talking typical serving size,berries(five diffrent kinds)also dominate the top ranks.
The most surprizing find?Choclate icecream rated higher than fruits like honeydew and green grapes!
Top Ten Healthiests Foods
Blackberries(1 cup)
Walnuts(1 ounce,15-20 halves)
Strawberries(1 cup sliced)
Artichoke Hearts(1 cup)
Cranberries(1 cup,whole)
Brewed coffee(8 ounces)
Raspberries(1 cup)
Pecans(1 ounce,20 jumbo kernels)
Blueberries(1 cup)
Ground Cloves(1 tsp.)